15 Technology Initiatives Greening European Cities Any City Can Take Inspiration From
European cities made a great effort by identifying projects with green technology which could help other cities to improve their living quality, environment or energy footprint.
On www.greenitnet.com you will find more than 160 good practices from different European regions. We would like to share a selection of some of the most inspiring initiatives regarding green mobility, energy systems, smart city development, urban infrastructure, and greening industry efforts. At this moment those practices are being shared among cities and an inspiration to develop their own plans.
15 green technology initiatives any city can take inspiration from:
1 SIIUR, Barcelona, Spain: Integration of communications, infrastructures and services technologies, in order to optimize the municipal services management.
2 Amsterdam Vehicle 2 Grid, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: the first Household Smart Energy Network where renewable energy is generated, stored in a vehicle and returned to the household or the grid in the metropolitan area of Amsterdam.
3 Ice Wish, Rome, Italy: Intelligent control system (smart metering, wireless technology, cloud computing, and user-oriented display information) to create energy and water wastage reductions in social housing.
4 Bicing, Barcelona, Spain: a bicycle sharing initiative for residents to reduce vehicle density and contamination in the city.
5 Wi-Move, Rome, Italy: mobility information system for residents and visitors, making use of an open wifi network and other innovative services.
6 Eblomladan, Malmö, Sweden: an innovative e-services tool raising awareness and improving welfare.
7 ReLoadIT, Zaanstad,Amsterdam Region, the Netherlands: a small scale local smart grid connecting renewable energy, an energy marketplace and e-vehicles.
8 E-car4ll, Amersfoort & Utrecht, the Netherlands: developing a local smart e-transport e-grid, forecasting, producing and consuming renewable energy in clean transport.
9 Green Digital Charter, Manchester, UK: a framework for cities to use ICT as a main driver to improve energy efficiency.
10 Urban Lab, Barcelona, Spain: an urban technology testbed and R&D initiative part of the urban transformation project of the 22@ area.
11 Universal Municipality Workplace, Riga, Latvia: Universal Workplace (UWP) is an innovative and sustainable ICT & cloud solution allowing the municipality quick, easy and effective development of e-government, local government employees to organize the work so that services are delivered to customers quickly, efficiently and qualitatively.
12 Green IT Energy Solutions, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: creating an energy efficient datacenter industry by offering a showcase platform with energy efficient solutions and a energy quick scan.
13 Green practices adopted at MITA, St.Venera, Malta: a green datacenter faciliting e-services and eductation applications.
14 Energia 4, Cz?stochowa, Poland: an electricity management system enabling data exchange.
15 Local biogas cogeneration, Riga, Latvia: local biogas cogeneration with the heat used for greenhouses.