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Chicago vs. Toronto: Which City has the Best Skyline?

Before visiting Chicago for the first time, everybody told me that I was going to love the city. They would tell me that it's similar to Toronto, except that it has better architecture and a better waterfront. Having now visited the city, I not surprisingly have a lot to say on this matter. But I need another day or so to formulate my thoughts.

In the interim, I thought it would be fun to host a little competition. Given that both Chicago and Toronto are Great Lake cities of comparable size (and formally sister cities), I'd like to know: Which city, do you think, has the better skyline? Please respond in the comment section below and make sure to include your location (so we all know if you might have a hometown bias).

To help you make your assessment, here are a few photos. Below is one that I took of the Chicago skyline from the architecture boat cruise we went on yesterday afternoon. The building directly in the center is the Trump Chicago.


And here's a photo of the Toronto skyline that I took from a water taxi earlier this summer.


But since these photos only represent one particular vantage point (me on a boat), here's a set panoramic photos that I found online (Chicago & Toronto). I want to be as fair as possible.



I think this one could go either way. But I personally like the variety that the lit up CN Tower and Sky Dome (Rogers Centre) bring to Toronto's skyline. Overall, it feels a lot more modern and exciting to me. So I pick Toronto. What about you?