Opinion: Page 3

The latest opinion pieces by industry thought leaders

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  • Amazon truck loaded for Prime Day.
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    How IoT can help cities survive the holiday 'shipmageddon'

    The sooner delivery services begin tapping available technologies, the sooner we can reduce chronic issues like holiday congestion and shipping delays.  

    Jonathan Sparks • Dec. 14, 2020
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    The image by Ryan Hallock is licensed under CC BY 2.0
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    A preventative approach to pavement management

    By focusing on preventative maintenance, local governments can unlock climate, economic and societal benefits while conserving time, money and manpower.

    Alison McGee & Samantha Stephan • Dec. 7, 2020
  • Pandemics have historically altered urban housing. COVID-19 will do the same.

    Necessity is the mother of invention, and this pandemic has created a variety of new necessities for urban residents and their environments.

    Demetrios Barnes • Dec. 4, 2020
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    Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash
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    How automation can alleviate law enforcement bias in transportation

    Deploying automated traffic enforcement systems can free up law enforcement resources to be allocated in communities where they are needed most. 

    Holly Cooper • Dec. 2, 2020
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    4 strategies to rapidly scale clean energy in the next decade

    To fully realize our shared climate goals and rebuild our economy, we must prioritize and enact policies to accelerate the national transition from fossil fuels to clean energy.

    Cameron Bard • Nov. 30, 2020
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    Understanding the risk of swappable e-scooter batteries

    These three critical tests will need to be passed to determine if swappable e-scooter batteries can overcome their safety and sustainability risks.

    Scott Rushforth • Nov. 25, 2020
  • Cities are cutting emissions with an unlikely aid: concrete

    Cutting emissions from concrete in public infrastructure projects is an under-utilized and low-cost policy option that governments can readily pursue.

    Eric Dunford • Nov. 23, 2020
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    The image by Montgomery County Planning Commission is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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    Wastewater surveillance may be key to widespread COVID-19 detection

    COVID-19 presents a rare opportunity for researchers to refine and implement wastewater-based epidemiology testing to fight the pandemic and manage future infections.

    Leanne Huysentruyt • Nov. 20, 2020
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    The Prop 22 debate revealed a need for more equitable mobility in California

    Just as the pandemic exposed grave vulnerabilities in Los Angeles' tattered mobility safety net, so too did the AB5 saga.

    Dave Gallon • Nov. 16, 2020
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    Cities are only 'smart' when IoT works in real time

    Despite the hoopla, smart cities are failing to accomplish most of what's being promised because of lagging software technology.

    Marty Sprinzen • Nov. 11, 2020
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    The image by Chad Davis is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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    A parametric approach to pandemic resilience

    We do not have years of precedents to formulate a response to COVID-19. Therefore, pandemic planning processes must be agile and flexible to incorporate continuous uncertainty and change.

    Jason King and Evangelos Pantazis • Nov. 6, 2020
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    Digital transformation in utilities starts on the frontlines

    As COVID-19 kicks the utility industry's digital efforts into high gear, companies should first focus on building a connected workforces.

    Cristian Grossmann • Nov. 2, 2020
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    Prop 22 will shake up fundamental insurance policies

    No matter which side of the fence the California ballot measure falls, it will shake up the gig economy and impact operator insurance strategies.

    Wil Hamory • Oct. 29, 2020
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    "Inside Empty CTA L Brown Line Car" by Raed Mansour is licensed under CC BY 2.0
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    Transit must think outside the box to rebuild ridership

    Associations have developed frameworks to guide public transit agencies toward recovery, but they may not go far enough to innovate the industry.

    Ben Haynie • Oct. 26, 2020
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    The pandemic is accelerating smart city tech

    ​COVID-19 is poised to bring the same widespread change as other pandemics have by accelerating the global adoption of emerging tech.

    Ronald Chagoury Jr. • Oct. 21, 2020
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    Photo illustration by Brian Tucker / photo by rclassenlayouts via Getty Images
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    Shutting off water in a pandemic? With the right tech, we shouldn't have to.

    Thousands of Americans are at risk of water shut-offs due to financial constraints. Why is this, when technologies exist to make water more affordable for everyone?

    Christine E. Boyle • Oct. 19, 2020
  • UAVs can play a vital role in the future of smart cities

    Drones could provide important and diverse contributions to cities, offering cost-efficient services for everything from environmental monitoring to traffic management.

    Daniel Browning • Oct. 13, 2020
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    The pandemic requires innovation to future-proof our industries

    In our current sink-or-swim moment, companies can benefit from a proactive approach to innovation, rather than be caught on the back foot in years to come.

    Jeff Schmidt • Oct. 5, 2020
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    Preparing cities for a post-pandemic retail market

    Trends that persist post-COVID will require sweeping infrastructure changes far beyond the ability of cities or retailers to implement alone.

    DeAnn Campbell • Oct. 2, 2020
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    Partnerships key in addressing aging stormwater infrastructure

    Public officials are realizing a viable and proven opportunity to answer water management challenges through community and private partnerships.

    Keisha Brown • Sept. 28, 2020
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    Julia von Alexander, former Southwestern University student
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    P3s hold the key to a clean energy future post-COVID

    Making climate progress is still within our grasp, but the critical first step is to recognize the perks of collaboration, and then to reach across the aisle. 

    Bill Prindle • Sept. 25, 2020
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    Danielle Ternes
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    Governments must demand better election technology

    The 2020 election will likely be the most contentious in a generation. We need to ensure we are using modern tools that provide the voting security needed in the 21st century.

    Matt Dunne • Sept. 22, 2020
  • 7 must-ask connectivity questions for transit agencies

    Through creative thinking and intelligently managed connected technologies, public transit can come back better than ever — with room to improve services for many years to come.

    George Mulhern • Sept. 18, 2020
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    The image by Phila. Bikes is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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    Delivery vehicles are a necessary target to patch city revenues

    Passenger vehicle revenues from parking meters or enforcement are no longer sustainable. To truly shore up budgets, cities must monetize delivery vehicles at the curb.

    Aryan Davani • Sept. 17, 2020
  • In deploying electrified urban transport, look to university campuses

    Recognizing universities as urban innovation hubs, particularly for electrified transportation, can aid the transition to a new, better "normal" post-coronavirus.

    Rod Keller • Sept. 15, 2020